Protection Technique

"I request the protector angels of the Light (heaven) to please collect and remove all the foreign entities, dark shields, dark energies, dark devices, and dark connections from my body, aura, soul, cord, and all the energy centers and from all my family members', friends', and coworkers' bodies, auras, souls, cords, and energy centers, and from all our homes, workplaces, cars, and places of recreation and from everything in them and miles and miles around them.  Collect them in the net of Light, lift them out, and help them to the Light or bind them in the space.  Remove and destroy all the dark shields, dark energies, dark devices, and dark connections totally and completely. 

Please fill, shield, and illuminate all of us and all our homes, workplaces, cars, and places of recreation and everything in them and miles and miles around them, with the brilliant, white Light.  Plug all the holes and tunnels in all of us and all our surroundings and cars. 

Please build an impenetrable shield of brilliant, white Light around all of us and around our homes, workplaces, cars and places of recreation.  Cover all the shields with reflective, spiritual mirrors and the rays of brilliant, vibrant, white Light."

"Please cleanse, heal, and shield all the foreign entities that cannot be removed and all of our fragmented soul parts that cannot be integrated at this time, with a triple net of Light and metallic shield.  Cut all their dark connections."

Please cleanse, heal, balance, and open up all of our energy centers and channels of communication with the Light (heaven) as needed, and cover and protect them when not needed. 

Please stay on guard around us and our surroundings.  You have our permission to take any action on our behalf to protect us as long as our souls should exist. 

Thank you.


Protection Prayer

"I pray to God to please cleanse, heal, shield, and protect me, all my family members, friends, coworkers, and all our surroundings such as our homes workplaces, cars, and places of recreation and everything in them and miles and miles around them from Satan, all of his demons, all human beings under their influences, and all the foreign entities, dark shields, dark energies, dark connections, and dark devices. 

Please fill, shield, protect, and illuminate all of us and all our surroundings with your love and Light as long as our souls exist, and bless us, enlighten, us, balance us, transform us, and guide us in the right direction. 

Please keep us loving, giving, caring, forgiving, and humble all the time. 

Please cleanse, heal, balance, and open up all of our energy centers and channels of communication with the Light (heaven) as needed and cover and protect them when not needed. 

I form an intent not to be possessed and influenced by any spirits and reject all the works of Satan, his demons, and humans under their influence.  I also form an intent to accept the works of God and achieve God's purposes and to achieve my goals and purposes that I planned in heaven by dedicating my life to God."


Protection Technique

"I request the protector angels of the Light to collect and remove all the foreign entities, dark shields, dark energies, dark devices, and dark connections from my body, aura, soul, energy centers, and cord; from all my family members', friends', and coworkers' bodies, auras, souls, energy centers, and cords and from all our homes, workplaces, cars, and places of recreation and everything in them and miles and miles around them.  Collect them in the net of Light, lift them up, help them to the Light, or bind them in space. 

Plug all the holes and tunnels in our bodies, auras, souls, energy centers, cords, and in all our surroundings such as our homes, workplaces, and cars with white, liquid Light.  Fill, shield, and illuminate all our bodies, auras, souls, cords, and all our surroundings such as all our homes, workplaces, cars, places of recreation, and everything in them and miles and miles around them, with the brilliant, white, liquid Light. 

Cover these shields with reflective spiritual mirrors and rays of shimmering white Light.  Please locate all our missing soul parts from this life and from all our past lives from the beginning of time and bring them back.  Cleanse them, heal them, fill them with the Light, and integrate them with our souls.  Clamp the cords to the soul parts that cannot be brought back at this time.  Please cleanse, heal, and shield our souls with the Light. 

Also, locate and remove all the soul parts of other living people from us; cleanse them, heal them, fill them with the Light, and integrate them with whom they belong. 

Please cleanse, heal, and shield all the foreign entities, that cannot be removed and all our fragmented soul parts that cannot be integrated at this time with a triple net of Light and metallic shields, Cut all their dark connections. 

Please cleanse, heal, balance, and open up all of our energy centers and channels of communication with the Light (heaven) as needed and cover and protect them when not needed. 

Please put the triple net of Light and metallic shields around us and our surroundings and cars when needed, and remove them when not needed.  Please stay on guard around us in this dimension and in all the other dimensions.  You have our permission to take any action on our behalf to protect us as long as our souls shall exist. 

Also, please cover all of Satan's command centers and any other centers he may have throughout creation with the blanket of Light and destroy them.  Cut their dark connections with Satan and his demons and with everybody and everything in creation, including the whole earth and all the human beings and other living beings and their surroundings. 

Please fill, shield, and illuminate the whole creation and everything and everybody in the creation, including the whole earth, and each and every human being, living being, and their surroundings with the brilliant, white, liquid Light, reflective mirrors, and ray s of shimmering, white Light."



Shakuntala Modi, M.D. from her book Remarkable Healings, 1999,

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